4/2017 (IV.27) Amendment of Decree No. 7/2016 (XI.17) on the soil pollution charge

Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzata Képviselő-körperületének

4/2017 (IV.27)

municipal decree

amending Decree No 7/2016 (XI.17) on the soil pollution charge

 The Representative Body of the Tiborszállás Village Municipality, acting on the basis of the authorisation received in paragraph (4) of Article 26.§ (4) of Act LXXXIX of 2003 on the Environmental Impact Fee, acting in its competence defined in Article 32 (1) a) of the Fundamental Law and in paragraph (1) 11. of Article 13.§ (1) of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary, hereby decrees the following amendments to Decree No. 7/2016 (XI.17) on the Soil Impact Fee:


 Paragraph 2 (2) of Article 2 of Decree No. 7/2016 (XI.17) on the soil pollution fee (hereinafter: the Decree) shall be replaced by the following provision:

"(2) The declared soil charge shall be paid by the issuer to the account of the Municipality of Tiborszállás Municipality for the collection of the soil charge at 68000316-11142377-00000000 in two equal instalments per half-year by 15 March of the tax year and 15 September of the tax year.

2. §.

(1) Section 2(3) of the Ordinance is repealed.

(2) Article 4 of the Regulation is replaced by the following provision:

"§ 4 The emitter shall be exempt from the payment of the soil pollution charge:

  • for water consumption at the needle water meter,
  • a discharger who does not have a water quantity meter is exempt from the obligation to declare a soil charge."

(3)Article 5 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:

"§ 5 (1) Until 30 June 2017, the discharger who connects to the constructed and technically available public sewer until 30 June 2017 shall be exempt from the payment of the soil pollution charge.

(2) The exemption pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be granted to the emitter if he undertakes to connect the property affected by the soil charge to the public sewer by 30 June 2017 and to conclude a contract with the Municipality for this purpose in 2017, and undertakes to pay the soil charge calculated for 2017, plus the late payment penalty specified in the Act on the Rules of Taxation, in one sum in the event of failure to connect to the public sewer."

3. §

The Regulation will enter into force on 27 April 2017.

Tiborszállás, 26 April 2017.

Tulbura Gábor sk. Tóthné dr Nagy Anita sk.

mayor notary

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