Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzat Képviselő-körperületének
10/2018 (XI.17)
municipal decree
on the performance of local public cultural tasks
The Representative Body of the Municipality of Tiborszállás Község, acting on the basis of the authority granted in Section 77 of Act CXL of 1997 on Museums, Public Libraries and Public Culture, and acting within the scope of its authority as defined in Section 13 (1) paragraph 7. of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary, hereby decrees the following:
- General provisions
1. § The purpose of the decree is to determine the public cultural tasks of the Municipality of Tiborszállás (hereinafter referred to as the Municipality), the forms of their provision, the form and extent of their financing, taking into account the interests of the citizens of Tiborszállás.
2. § The Municipality of Tiborszállás considers it a responsible duty that all citizens of Tiborszállás have the right to know and learn about our cultural heritage, to develop their personality through culture and to have equal opportunities to enjoy cultural values.
3. § The scope of the Regulation covers participants in public cultural activities, public cultural organisations, their operators, managers and employees.
2. Objectives and tasks of the municipality in the field of public education and culture
4. § The Municipality's priorities in the field of public education:
a) to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment and infrastructure worthy of community cultivation,
b) to promote the natural, environmental, cultural and artistic values of the municipality and its surroundings, and to this end to organise meetings, festivals, shows, exhibitions, to develop and support cultural tourism and tourism,
c) the cultivation and further development of the cultural and cultural traditions of the municipality, the promotion and protection of local values, and the support of traditional communities,
d) to increase the role of prominent communities and personalities in local society,
e) to promote and enrich the values of universal, national and ethnic culture,
f) cooperation with local NGOs, foundations, associations, churches,
g) ensuring the promotion of equal opportunities in the field of public culture,
h) encouraging cooperation between civil society,
i) the development of cultural publicity and information,
j) creating an outdoor community space for youth,
k) integration into national, regional and regional tourism networks.
5. § The Municipality considers the following to be its compulsory public cultural tasks:
a) the organisation of extracurricular self-directed, self-study, vocational and language courses, the development of individual and digital key competences through various forms of community education,
b) the exploration and dissemination of the environmental, spiritual and artistic values and traditions of the municipality, the cultivation and enrichment of local cultural customs,
c) to promote the values of universal, national, nationality culture, to foster understanding and acceptance, and to nurture the culture of celebration,
d) support for the activities of the educational, amateur creative and cultural communities,
e) to promote the networking, community life and advocacy of local society,
f) helping to build and maintain intercultural relations,
g) to provide the conditions for cultural leisure,
h) the cultural dimension of "being European",
i) support for the establishment of public collection institutions and public cultural activities under the responsibility of the local government
6. § In order to achieve the priority objectives and tasks defined in § 4-5, the Local Government shall.
(a) set a subsidy envelope in its annual budget,
b) support locally based foundations, public foundations, associations and local communities of historic churches under the conditions laid down in a special regulation,
c) supports the organisation of community events.
3. Organisational framework for the provision of public cultural services
7. § (1) The Municipality shall provide a community arena for the fulfilment of the objectives and mandatory tasks set out in Articles 4-5 of this Regulation.
(2) The following property is designated and named for the community theatre: the House of Culture (4353,
Tiborszállás, Dózsa út 18., Hrsz: 234/1).
(3) Community floorspace may be created depending on the decision of the municipality.
4. Management and control of public cultural activities
8. § The body of representatives shall exercise the maintenance, supervisory and other powers related to the public cultural tasks defined by Act CXL of 1997 on Museums, Public Libraries and Public Culture and this Decree.
5. Financing of the provision of public cultural services
9. § (1) The body of representatives ensures the financial conditions necessary for the financing of the public cultural activities from the state task financing, from the central interest enhancement subsidy, from its own revenues and from the sources won in tenders.
(2) The extent to which the tasks specified in Articles 4-5 and 7 of this Regulation are performed shall be determined by the body of representatives in the light of the current budgetary possibilities.
(3) Public cultural communities, associations, organisations and churches may use the community spaces on the basis of a prior request. The method of use, the rate and the fee are set out in the Community Theatre Regulations.
(4) In addition to the provision of a public cultural venue and basic services, the method of financing is primarily task financing, which is carried out within the framework of tenders under the conditions set out in a separate municipal decree, and the partial or full subsidies required to perform the tasks can be obtained through tenders.
6. Final provisions
10. § (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on 17 November 2018.
(2) The Municipal Decree 6/2003 (XI. 25.) on "the Municipality's public cultural tasks and the support of local public cultural activities" is repealed.
Tiborszállás, 16 November 2018.
Tulbura Gábor sk. Tóthné Dr. Nagy Anita sk. mayor notary