The village was named after the Count The Károlyi family about one of its members, About Tibor Károlyi received.
The three farms were part of the estate of Count Károlyi. Tiborszállás is the 1800s originated at the end of the 19th century, when Count Tibor Károlyi and his family moved to the area. Count Tibor's daughter is the cousin of the girl, Gyula Károlyi took it. Significant progress was made in his time. The Count, who was also Prime Minister between 31 August 1931 and 21 September 1932, established a model farm on his estate: the Wildlife Garden, in the centre of which the castle was situated, was a forest and game management area, and farming and animal husbandry were practised on the Halmos farm and the adjacent land. Farming was also the main occupation in Tiborszállás.
Today's Tiborszállás was organised from three farm settlements, Tiborszállás, Vadaskert and Halmos-tanya, which formerly belonged to Mérk, into an independent village. 1955-in.
On the outskirts of the settlement is the destroyed Szentmárton village location.
Name of known sources 1217-He first appears in the monastery of Sárvár, when he is a serf of the monastery, Gende (Gende de v. Senmartin) an evidéki, cégényi accused a man.
The village of Gutkeled genus of his ancestral estates.
Sárvármonostora XII century were annexed to their church by the founders as a sacramental gift. In 1217 it was already called a village. The fate of the monastery was the same as that of the village, which began to decline after its destruction. 1427-was still inhabited, but three abandoned stone churches showed a large decline in population.
Maksai says the village Mark and Fábiánháza was supposedly swallowed up by the marsh, and its ruins were found on a small island in the forest of St Martin. This area now belongs to Tiborszállás.
The village has no historically recognised landmarks.
Source: wikipedia
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