9/2017 (XI.23) On the Placement of Advertisements and Advertising Media

Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzat Képviselő-körperületének

9/2017 (XI.23)

municipal decree

the positioning of advertising and advertising media

The Municipality of Tiborszállás In accordance with Article 32 (1) of the Fundamental Law a) acting within the scope of its legislative powers as defined in point (5) of Article 12 (5) of Act LXXIV of 2016 on the Protection of the Settlement Landscape, and on the basis of the authorisation granted to it in accordance with the powers defined in point (5) of paragraph (5) of Article 23 of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary, hereby decrees the following in the interest of the protection of the settlement landscape:

General provisions

  1. Purpose and scope of the Regulation

1. §

(1) The purpose of this Regulation is Tiborszállás Municipality regulate the number, form and technology of advertising media that may be placed in the territory of the municipality and the way in which they may be placed, in order to protect the townscape.

(2) The scope of this Regulation Tiborszállás Municipality covers the placing of advertising or advertising media on public property, on private property visible from public property, on public property or on property owned by a public transport operator.

(3) The personal scope of this Decree shall extend to all natural and legal persons, organisations without legal personality, including branches in Hungary of undertakings established abroad, who Tiborszállás Municipality publishes advertising, maintains or places an advertising medium in the place specified in paragraph (2), or intends to place advertising or an advertising medium or to create a surface for such purpose.

  1. Interpretative provisions

2. §

For the purposes of this Regulation:

  • CityLight format device: a vertically positioned installation measuring approximately 118 cm x 175 cm and having a visible surface of approximately 2 square metres suitable for the display of paper advertising or a digital display with a 72" to 90" diagonal screen aspect ratio of 16:9 in a portrait position;
  • CityBoard format tool: a two-legged device 2.5 m to 3.5 m high, 7 to 9 square metres in size, with a visible, paper (or film) backlit surface, not adhesive-backed, capable of backlit advertising, illuminated by a backlight or with a digital display of that size;
  • street furniture for functional purposes: a bus stop shelter and information or other facility which is not primarily intended for advertising purposes but to meet the needs of the public in the area for which it is installed, according to its function;
  • equipment for information purposes: the municipal billboard, the municipal notice board, the information display case, the wayfinding notice, the public interest poster, the CityLight format device and the CityBoard format device;
  • public interest banner: a notice, not of rigid material, on a wall or other surface or between two surfaces, which is not part of the designed and permitted façade of a building, primarily for the purpose of providing information of public interest about a significant event in the life of the municipality.
  • advertising space of public interest: an advertising support or an installation supporting an advertising support on which the publication of advertising is provided for in the public interest with regard to the installation or maintenance of other equipment in public space and which is placed separately from such other equipment;
  • equipment for other purposes: the bench, bicycle rack, waste bin, telephone box, shading device or barrier extending over the public area, including advertising space
  • municipal bulletin board: equipment set up and maintained by the municipality for the purpose of informing the public about the activities of its bodies, organs and officials, which is placed on the facades of buildings serving the operation of the municipality and which may also serve to publish advertisements in addition to the public interest information purpose;
  • municipal notice board: signs erected and maintained by the municipality for the purpose of informing the population, placed in public places for the publication of information, notices and information of primary importance to the life of the municipality, in particular information on significant events in the life of the municipality, which may also serve to publish advertisements in addition to the public interest information purpose;
  • signposting notice: a public sign providing information of public interest, the function of which is to provide tourist information, information on public transport services or other information of public interest;

Rules on the placing of advertisements

  1. General rules on the placing of advertising in public and private areas visible from public areas

3. §

Tiborszállás Municipality the publication of all advertising prohibited or not regulated by this Decree, the Act on the Protection of the Settlement Image (hereinafter: Tvtv.) and Government Decree 104/2017 (IV. 28.) on the implementation of the provisions of the Act on the Protection of the Settlement Image on the publication of advertisements (hereinafter: Kr.) issued on the basis of the Tvtv.

4. §

(1) The placement of advertising media shall not adversely alter the traditional townscape.

(2) No billboards shall be placed on the street frontage of buildings, except for construction advertising nets.

(3) Advertising signs placed on private property shall not cross the property line and shall not be placed directly on the property line.

(4) No additional advertising media may be placed within fifty metres on the same side of a road section in the same direction of travel. The prohibition shall not apply to information installations not used for advertising, street furniture for functional purposes, advertising space of public interest and advertising nets for construction.

(5) For the purpose of illuminating the advertising medium only 80 lumen/watt more efficient than, static warm white colour light sources can be used.

(6) Advertisements may be published in analogue and digital form, with both fixed and variable content.

(7) With the exception of a public-interest billboard, a construction advertising net, and a shade structure projecting over a public area, a billboard, tarpaulin, or net may not be used as an advertising support or advertising support device.

  1. Publication of advertisements in the area defined in the town structure plan

5. §

(1) This Regulation Annex 1 the publication of advertising in the area defined in the settlement structure plan and the installation of advertising media and equipment supporting advertising media in the area defined in the settlement structure plan, in accordance with Annex 1. a certain number of street furniture only.

(2) This Regulation Annex 2 in the area defined by the settlement structure plan, no advertisement may be published and no advertising media or equipment supporting advertising media may be placed.

(3) No advertisements or equipment supporting advertisements may be placed in areas under local territorial protection.

  1. Rules on street furniture for functional purposes

6. §

(1) This Regulation Annex 2. only street furniture with a functional purpose, the design of which does not adversely affect the appearance of the urban landscape, may be placed in the defined area.

(2) This Regulation Annex 2. in the case of functional street furniture installed in a defined area, only the surface of the street furniture may be used for advertising purposes.

(3) No device supporting an advertising medium may be placed on a functional street furniture, with the exception of a CityLight format device placed in a passenger lounge.

(4) Advertising may be displayed on no more than two-thirds of the surface area of an information facility installed as street furniture for functional purposes. No other equipment shall be used for advertising purposes, except in the case of shading equipment projecting over the public space, the entire surface of which may be used for advertising purposes.

  1. Special rules for the siting of certain street furniture

7. §

(1) Tiborszállás Municipality in the administrative territory of Annex 3. the same number of public advertising columns as those of the public cultural establishments specified may be installed. The space available for advertising on a public amenity billboard shall be twelve square metres may not exceed. A Annex 4. only internally illuminated public advertising columns may be placed in the defined public area.

(2) An information facility may be installed for the purpose of providing the following information of public interest which does not constitute commercial advertising:

  • information relating to the operation of the municipality;
  • information on events of importance for the municipality;
  • providing information on the services and administrative facilities available in the municipality;
  • tourist and transport information;
  • information concerning society as a whole or broad sections of society, mainly public information;

(3) The surface area of the information equipment shall not exceed two thirds may be used for advertising, with a minimum surface area of one third shall contain information of public interest within the meaning of paragraph 4.

(4) No other equipment shall be used for advertising purposes, except for shade equipment projecting over the public area. The entire surface of a shade structure overhanging a public place may be used for advertising purposes.

  1. Requirements for advertising space, advertising support equipment

8. §

(1) Tiborszállás Municipality in public places on advertising media

  • on a device made of galvanised and sintered steel or sintered aluminium;
  • behind Plexiglas or safety glass;
  • in a device illuminated by a rear light source;
  • on a device that can display both constant and changing content;
  • within 2 metres of each other, not including the horizontal or vertical positioning of multiple advertising media on a single functional street furniture unit

can be placed.

(2) The public advertising space, with the exception of the passenger lounge, the advertising space that can be constructed on the advertising support for the placement of advertising shall not be less than one third a Tiborszállás Municipality is entitled to publish the information laid down for information equipment.

Construction of a public advertising pillar

9. §

(1) Tiborszállás Municipality in the administrative territory of Annex 3. are entitled to use public advertising columns for public cultural purposes.

(2) All of the Annex 3. may initiate the installation of a public cultural advertising pillar in a town and country planning notification procedure.

Derogation from the rules on the placing of advertising

  1. Deviation to inform about an event classified as significant

10. §

(1) The Mayor may grant a derogation to the advertiser in accordance with the relevant legislation in the procedure for the notification of the town-planning scheme in order to provide information on an event classified as significant, for the duration of the event classified as significant, but for a maximum period of twelve weeks per calendar year for all significant events.

(2) The Mayor's decision shall not replace or substitute other official permits required by law for the publication of advertisements, which shall be obtained by the advertiser.

(3) The advertiser may initiate the derogation by submitting a written request for a land-use notification procedure.

  1. Authorisation for the installation of construction advertising nets

11. §

 (1) The mayor - in the procedure for the notification of the settlement's appearance - from the commencement of the construction activity, as certified by the construction logbook for a period of 3 months, up to the duration of the construction activity permit the installation of construction advertising nets.

(2) The mayor may, exceptionally, and in particular in view of the expected improvement of the townscape as a result of the construction activity, extend the time limit under paragraph (1) up to one time. for 3 months may be extended, provided that the applicant has submitted the application before the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1 30 days submit.

(3) Only one construction advertising net may be placed on the facade of a building facing the same public area.

Land-use notification procedure for the placement of advertisements and advertising media

12. §

(1) The mayor shall conduct a town planning notification procedure with regard to the general town planning requirements contained in the Kr. and the requirements for the placement of advertisements and advertising media contained in this Ordinance prior to the placement of advertisements and advertising media.

(2) The mayor shall carry out the procedure for the notification of the settlement image in accordance with the procedural rules set out in the Tvtv, the Government Decree 314/2012 (XI. 8.) on the settlement development concept, the integrated settlement development strategy and settlement planning instruments, and certain specific legal measures for settlement planning (hereinafter: Tr.) and this Decree.

(3) The validity period of the Mayor's acknowledgement of the notification of the town-planning status shall be one year from the date of publication.

(4) The placement of advertising and advertising media may be started on the basis of the notification of the settlement's appearance - after the Mayor's decision of the authority acknowledging the Mayor's knowledge, taking into account any conditions contained therein - if no other official permit is required.

(5) The provisions of the Tvtv., the Tr. and the Kr. and the Act on the General Rules of Administrative Procedure and Services shall apply to the official procedure in relation to the violation of the town planning obligations contained in this Decree.

Final provisions

13. §

  1. The Regulation 1 January 2018 enters into force.

Tiborszállás, 22 November 2017.

Tulbura Gábor sk. Tóthné dr Nagy Anita sk.

mayor notary


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