The Municipality of Tiborszállás
7/2019. (VIII. 29)
r e n d e l e te
The Municipality of Tiborszállás
.../2019. (VIII. 28)
r e n d e l e t-designed
on the protection of the townscape of Tiborszállás
Amendment of Municipal Decree No 3/2018 (I.31)
Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzatának Képviselő-testülete on the basis of the authorisation received in Section 12 (2) of Act LXXIV of 2016 on the Protection of the Settlement Landscape, Article 32 (1) a) of the Fundamental Law and Section 13 (1) 1. Acting in accordance with its powers under Article 43/A of Government Decree 314/2012 (XI. 8.) on the settlement development concept, the integrated settlement development strategy and settlement planning instruments, and on certain specific legal measures for settlement planning
- the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Government Office, acting as the Chief State Architect
- National Media and Communications Authority
- Hortobágy National Park Directorate; and
- The municipality of Tiborszállás is involved in the partnership consultation in accordance with the rules of the settlement development concept, integrated settlement development strategy and the preparation and amendment of the settlement planning instruments, settlement image manual and settlement image ordinance [the population of the settlement, the interest representation organisations operating in the settlement and having their seat or establishment in the settlement, the civil organisations operating in the settlement and having their seat or establishment in the settlement, the business organisations operating in the settlement and having their seat or establishment in the settlement, the religious communities operating in the settlement (churches recognised by Parliament)].
Having consulted the Committee of the Regions, hereby orders:
- §.
(1) Section 5 of Municipal Decree No. 3/2018 (I.31) on the Protection of the Settlement Image of the Municipality of Tiborszállás (hereinafter: the Decree) shall be replaced by the following provision:
"5.§ For the purposes of this Regulation:
- Company website: a sign or inscription at the entrance of a commercial, service or catering establishment (premises, ensemble) indicating the name of the establishment and the activity carried on there, which does not constitute advertising.
- Cím plate: signs or nameplates which do not constitute advertising for the purposes of this Regulation and which display the name or other particulars of the institution or undertaking.
- Unique mobile information board: information and advertising equipment, whether for information or other purposes, which is non-fixed, of individual size and whether or not with variable lettering, providing information on the services of a commercial, service or catering activity.
- Customized information board: information or other equipment - fixed, unique, with permanent content - which provides information about the location, direction, name, activity, premises, opening hours, access, streets of the service buildings of the municipality;
- The main backbone of a building: The tallest and longest ridge of the building, which typically defines the mass of the building, is typically the street wing.
- Original condition: the condition existing at the time of construction of the protected building or structure or a later condition identified by the value assessment as a value to be protected at the time of the protection order.
- Earth colours: (also known as terra colours) are broken, dark, warm colours with a colour range of red-orange-yellow-greenish-yellow.
- Local protected value: local unique protected building, monument (structure), unique protected vegetation.
- Equipment for information or other purposes: individual information boards, individual mobile information boards, municipal information boards, totem poles, pole-mounted information boards, advertising pylons and flags, sun awnings, banners or posters, provided that they serve an information purpose and public interest that is not partly advertising.
- Municipal information board: a fixed, individual-sized information and other advertising installation which provides local residents with information of public interest, with regularly changing content, and which provides the possibility of placing small advertisements and small advertisements.
- Pastel: very light and low saturated shades of colours, which (besides colour) have only white content, no black.
- Business sign: a sign on a commercial, service or catering building containing one or more units advertising the activity carried out therein, which is not considered to be advertising.
- Sign promoting entrepreneurship: a device bearing a sign promoting a business and advertising an activity carried out therein, which is not considered to be advertising.
- Transparent or banner: an advertising medium made of textile or other textile-like material stretched or stretched over a public space."
2. §.
(1)Article 14 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
- The map delimitation of the areas of townscape importance for the inner area on the basis of the settlement structure, settlement character, landscape element and other local features is given in Annex 1.
- Areas of townscape importance
- Town centre
- Land not intended for development
- The settlement area of the Settlement Centre, which is the dominant settlement area in terms of townscape, shall be identified as set out in Annex 1. Their territorial delimitation shall be laid down in the local building regulations and the associated regulation plan.
- The identification of the areas listed in Article 14 (2) (a)-(b) as being of dominant importance for the townscape shall be made in the local building regulations and the associated regulatory plan. Their territorial delimitation shall be established on the basis of national legislation."
3. §.
(1)Article 15 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
- The roof structure of buildings and structures directly visible in the streetscape shall not be covered or renovated with corrugated sheeting, plastic corrugated sheeting and trapezoidal sheeting, and bituminous corrugated sheeting.
- Blue, yellow colours and shades of blue roofing materials cannot be used.
- Glossy, reflective surfaces should not be used on facades or as roof cladding.
- Bright, bright colours should not be used for the colouring of facades.
- When re-colouring buildings, façade colouring that is not in harmony with the colouring and use of materials of the building as a whole, or with neighbouring buildings and the street scene, is not allowed.
- No partial repainting of the street façade is allowed."
4. §.
(1)Article 16 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
"16. §
- The method of installation of the building shall be determined in accordance with the existing situation and the environmental conditions, within the framework of the local building regulations.
- The typical number of levels shall be determined in accordance with the environmental conditions, within the framework of the local building regulations."
(1) Article 18 of the Regulation shall cease to apply.
6. §.
(1)Article 19 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
"19. §
(1)When designing the green area
- cannot be planted: acacia, pedunculate fir, green maple, grey poplar and Canadian poplar,
- no woody vegetation may be planted along the boundary of the site in such a way as to restrict the use of the neighbouring site and cause unnecessary disturbance.
- if a building is to be used for public purposes, the building may be installed with a deeper front garden, within the limits of the local building regulations, if the resulting increased front garden is designed as a public garden and opened for public use. Otherwise, the front garden shall not be deeper.
(2) Energy metering equipment shall not be installed on a building, structure or front yard without being covered.
(3) No new parapet convector or outdoor unit of an air conditioning system shall be installed on a building that is visible from the public area.
(4) No antenna or communication unit which disturbs the view may be placed on buildings.
- (5)An entrance stairway, accessibility structure (ramp and its elements), part of a building projecting into a public area and street fence shall not be designed in such a way as to interfere with the functional use of the adjacent public area and shall not be adapted to its use."
7. §.
(1)Article 20 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
"20. §
(1)A flat-panel solar panel or solar collector on a building with a high roof may not be installed at an angle of inclination other than the pitched roof pitch. A flat-panel solar panel or solar collector on a building with a flat roof may not be installed without a cover."
8. §.
(1)Article 21 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
"21. §
- For buildings with an industrial function, the use of simple industrial forms is the preferred option, including large span industrial halls, semi-sloped and flat-roofed custom structures.
- Social and office buildings can be built with modern architectural materials and massing. Excessively broken and mansard roofs are not possible.
- Intensive afforestation is required on the sites to provide wind protection and landscape screening.
- They are considered to be landscape intrusive, and therefore buildings that are strongly modern and technocratic in character in relation to the landscape should not be placed here.
- The façades of buildings can be light, pastel-coloured."
9. §.
(1)Paragraph (3) of Article 24 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following:
"(3) The colouring of the facade of a locally protected building shall be primarily in keeping with its surroundings or, if available, the original colour. "
(1)Article 27 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
"27. §
- Advertising in public places and on public property and the placing of advertising media and installations supporting advertising media
- within the built-up area, only in mixed and residential areas, only for the use of street furniture,
- is not allowed in areas not intended for built-up areas.
- The publication of advertisements and the installation of advertising media and equipment supporting advertising media shall not be permitted on private property, except in the area of the railway station."
11. §.
(1)Article 28 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
"28. §
- Signage, signage, address signs, sunscreens, business promotional signs, advertising flags and shop signs, individual information boards on the facades of buildings shall be designed to fit in with the existing or planned horizontal and vertical articulation of the facades, the orientation and rhythm of the windows, so that they are in harmony with the architectural detailing, colouring and architectural accents of the building. If this cannot be ensured for the retrofitting of signage, nameplates, address signs and individual information boards, retrofitting shall not be permitted.
- No sign, address, information or other equipment shall be placed on a surface area greater than 7% of a facade of a building visible from the public realm.
- Information or other equipment, if it includes advertising, may not be placed on private property.
- No advertising space may be placed on street lighting, other public utility equipment or communication poles.
- Municipal information signs and individual mobile information signs, signs with a column support structure (also known as "pedestal" signs), as well as individual information signs and banners may be placed in public areas in a way that does not interfere with traffic."
12. §
(1) Paragraph (4) of Article 31 shall cease to have effect.
13. §
(1) Section 37. shall cease to apply.
14. §
(1)Article 38 of the Regulation shall be replaced by the following provision:
- In order to comply with the town planning requirements, the mayor, either ex officio or on request, conducts a town planning obligation procedure.
- Compliance with the information and professional consultation on the protection of the townscape is monitored by the mayor.
- In the event of non-compliance with the town and country planning requirements, the mayor may impose a town and country planning fine on the owner of the property, which may be imposed several times as long as the unlawful condition persists.
- The town and country planning fine must be imposed by decision and delivered by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the person fined.
- The amount of the town and country planning fine
- in the case of non-compliance with spatial and individual architectural requirements in areas with a dominant urban landscape character, if it affects an individual protected building HUF 100,000 - 200,000,
- in the case of non-compliance with spatial and individual architectural requirements in areas with a dominant town planning character, if the individual protected building is not affected HUF 50,000 - 100,000,
- 20.000 - 50.000 HUF in case of non-compliance with other town planning requirements and other technical equipment requirements,
- in all other cases 10.000 - 20.000 forints
- How to pay the urban development fine:
- by payment within the time limit and to the municipal bank account specified in the decision imposing the fine.
- in the event of non-payment of the method of payment referred to in point (a), the unpaid fine shall be considered a public debt pursuant to Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances and shall be collected by way of taxes."
15. §
- Arendelet will enter into force on 31 August 2019.
Tiborszállás, 28 August 2019.
Tulbura Gábor sk. Tóthné dr Nagy Anita sk.
mayor notary