Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzata Képviselő-körperületének
4/2024.(III. 13.) of the Municipal Council of
Amendment of Municipal Decree No 10/2021 (IX.28.) on the local regulation of child protection
The Representative Body of the Municipality of Tiborszállás, acting on the basis of the authority granted to it under Section 29 (1) and Section 131 (1) of Act XXXI of 1997 on the Protection of Children and Guardianship Administration, acting within the scope of its authority as defined in Section 13 (1) paragraph 8. of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary, hereby decrees the following:
- §
Annex 1 to Municipal Decree 10/2021 (IX. 28.) on the Local Regulation of Child Protection is replaced by Annex 1.
- §
This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 April 2024.
- Annex to Municipal Decree 4/2024 (III. 13.)
"Annex 1
Institutional charges for institutional care for personal care (net):
- Preschooler: Lunch: 300.-Ft, Snack: 80.-Ft, total: 460.-Ft.
- He's a cool kid: Lunch: 360.-Ft.
- Day care child: 10.-Ft: 85.-Ft, Lunch: 360.-Ft, Snack: 85.-Ft, total: 530.-Ft"