Mayor of Tiborszállás Village
4/2020. (III.16.)
r e n d e l e t e
Confirmation of Decree No 3/2020 (III.17) amending Decree No 11/2014 (XII.2) on the Rules of Organisation and Operation of the Body of Representatives
The Mayor!
The decision making is ensured by the Tiborszállás Község Municipality's Representative Body's decision on the amendment of the Municipal Decree No. 11/2014 (XII.2) on the organisational and operational rules of the representative body, pursuant to Section 46 (4) of Act CXXVIII of 2011 on disaster management and the amendment of certain related acts
3/2020 (III.17) of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Tiborszállás, 16 March 2020.
Gábor Tulbura