3/2019(II.14) Repealing Decree 1/2007(II.10) on the remuneration of local government representatives

Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzata Képviselő-körperületének


municipal decree

Repealing Decree 1/2007(II.10) on the remuneration of local government representatives

The Representative Body of the Municipality of Tiborszállás Village, based on the authorisation received under Section 143 (4) (f) of Paragraph (4) of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary, hereby decrees the following:

1. §

Repeals Regulation No 1/2007 (II.10) on the remuneration of local government representatives.


(1) The Regulation shall enter into force on 1 March 2019.

(2) Decree No. 2/2008 (II.10) amending Decree No. 1/2007 (II.10) on the remuneration of local government representatives shall cease to be in force.

Tiborszállás, 13 February 2019.

Tulbura Gábor sk. Tóthné Dr Nagy Anita sk.

mayor notary

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