3/2018 (I.31) on the protection of the townscape of Tiborszállás

Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzata Képviselő-körperületének

3/2018 (I.31)

municipal decree

on the protection of the townscape of Tiborszállás

Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzatának Képviselő-testülete on the basis of the authorisation received in Article 12 (2) paragraph (2) of Act LXXIV of 2016 on the Protection of the Settlement Landscape (hereinafter: Tktv.), Article 32 (1) paragraph a) of the Fundamental Law and Article 13 (1) paragraph 1 of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary. Acting in accordance with its powers under Article 43/A of Government Decree 314/2012 (XI. 8.) on the settlement development concept, the integrated settlement development strategy and settlement planning instruments, and on certain specific legal measures for settlement planning

  • the Government Office of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County acting as the State Chief Architect (File No: SZ/4ÁF/00328-2/2017.),
  • National Media and Infocommunications Authority (Case No CD/37258-3/2017),
  • Prime Minister's Office, as Minister responsible for the protection of cultural heritage,
  • Hortobágy National Park Directorate; and
  • The municipality of Tiborszállás is involved in the partnership consultation in accordance with the rules of the settlement development concept, integrated settlement development strategy and the preparation and amendment of the settlement planning instruments, settlement image manual and settlement image ordinance [the population of the settlement, the interest representation organisations operating in the settlement and having their seat or establishment in the settlement, the civil organisations operating in the settlement and having their seat or establishment in the settlement, the business organisations operating in the settlement and having their seat or establishment in the settlement, the religious communities operating in the settlement (churches recognised by Parliament)].

Having consulted the Committee of the Regions, hereby orders:

  1. Chapter


1. Purpose of the Regulation

Protecting and shaping the specific image of the municipality through social involvement and consensus

  • defining the protection of the local architectural heritage (hereinafter referred to as "local protection"), declaring it protected and regulating the termination of protection,
  • by identifying areas of special townscape interest,
  • by defining the townscape requirements,
  • by regulating the means of urban design enforcement.

2. Purpose of local protection


  1. The aim of local protection is to protect and preserve for future generations the architectural and landscape values that are of a particular appearance, that are important for the settlement's townscape and history, that preserve tradition, that reflect the work and culture of the people and communities who have lived and live here, and that define the townscape.
  2. The architectural and landscape heritage under local protection is part of the common national cultural heritage and its conservation, use and presentation in accordance with its protection are in the public interest.
  3. It is prohibited to endanger, damage or destroy elements of the local protected architectural and landscape heritage.

3. Areas of special landscape interest

the purpose of establishing

The purpose of the establishment of areas of special significance for the townscape is to preserve the distinctive, valuable architectural character of the area, preserving local traditions, and to shape the townscape in a favourable way by establishing townscape requirements that are compatible with the townscape:

  • the structures involved in the construction activity - including specific types of structures,
  • the protection of the local architectural heritage, the declaration of protection and the termination of protection,
  • the placing, use or prohibition of advertising and advertising media, signs and other technical devices


4. Territorial scope and application of the Regulation


  1. The territorial scope of this Regulation covers the entire administrative territory of the Municipality of Tiborszállás.

5. Interpretative provisions

For the purposes of this Regulation:

  1. Broken fence: a fence whose transparency perpendicular to the plane of the fence is not limited by more than 50%.
  2. Company website: a sign or inscription at the entrance of a commercial, service or catering establishment (premises, ensemble) indicating the name of the establishment and the activity carried on there, which does not constitute advertising.
  3. Cím plate: signs or nameplates which do not constitute advertising and which display the name or other details of the institution or undertaking.
  4. Unique mobile information board: information and advertising equipment, whether for information or other purposes, which is non-fixed, of individual size and whether or not with variable lettering, providing information on the services of a commercial, service or catering activity.
  5. Customized information board: information or other equipment - fixed, unique, with permanent content - which provides information about the location, direction, name, activity, premises, opening hours, access, streets of the service buildings of the municipality;
  6. The main backbone of a building: The tallest and longest ridge of the building, which typically defines the mass of the building, is typically the street wing.
  7. Original condition: the condition existing at the time of construction of the protected building or structure or a later condition identified by the value assessment as a value to be protected at the time of the protection order.
  8. (also known as terra colours) are broken, dark, warm colours with a colour range of red-orange-yellow-greenish-yellow.
  9. Local protected value: local unique protected building, monument (structure), unique protected vegetation.
  10. Equipment for information or other purposes: individual information boards, individual mobile information boards, municipal information boards, totem poles, pole-mounted information boards, advertising pylons and flags, sun awnings, banners or posters, provided that they serve an information purpose and public interest that is not partly advertising.
  11. Municipal information board: a fixed, individual-sized information and other advertising installation which provides local residents with information of public interest, with regularly changing content, and which provides the possibility of placing small advertisements and small advertisements.
  12. Pastel: very light and low saturated shades of colours, which (besides colour) have only white content, no black.
  13. Partially breached fence: a fence whose transparency perpendicular to the plane of the fence is limited between 50% and 90 %.
  14. Solid fence: a fence whose transparency perpendicular to the plane of the fence is limited to a greater extent than 90%.
  15. Business sign: a sign on a commercial, service or catering building containing one or more units advertising the activity carried out therein, which is not considered to be advertising.
  16. Sign promoting entrepreneurship: a device bearing a sign promoting a business and advertising an activity carried out therein, which is not considered to be advertising.
  17. Transparent or banner: an advertising medium made of textile or other textile-like material stretched or stretched over a public space.
  1. Chapter


6. The role of local protection


The role of local protection

  1. (b) to prevent damage to the protected architectural heritage or to facilitate the reduction or elimination of such damage.

7. Rules for the granting and termination of local protection


  1. Any natural person, legal person or unincorporated organisation may initiate the local protection or its termination in writing to the Mayor.
  2. The initiative must include
  • for individual buildings, structures and natural assets:
  • the name and, if necessary, the delimitation of the asset(s) to be protected,
  • the exact location (street, house number, parcel number, part of building or plot),
  • a brief description and documentation (literature, photos) of the property to be protected,
  • the grounds for the initiative,
  • value assessment,
  • the name, designation and address of the initiator.
  • urban structure, townscape, character, in the case of an ensemble proposed for protection:
  • its designation,
  • delimitation,
  • a brief description and documentation of the property to be protected,
  • the grounds for the initiative,
  • value assessment,
  • the name, designation and address of the initiator.
  1. Local protection is based on a value assessment.
  2. If the initiative has been submitted incomplete and is not completed within 15 days despite a request to do so, the mayor shall reject the initiative without examining its merits. The initiator shall be informed in writing.
  3. The professional preparation of the placing under local protection or its termination, and the preparation of the decision, is the responsibility of the appointed chief architect of the municipality - or, in the absence of his/her application, the mayor.
  4. The preparation of a local protection initiative requires the collective views of the property owners concerned.


  1. You will be considered an interested party in the local protection or delisting procedure:
    • the owners of the parcel(s) or property(ies) affected by the proposal,
    • initiator(s).
  2. Interested parties must be notified of the initiation of the procedure for local protection or its termination:
  • in the case of an initiative of individual value, the notification must be served in writing on the interested party.
  • in the case of a non-specific value, the notification may be made only by means of the usual local publicity.
  • the user is notified by the owner.
  • where it would be disproportionately difficult to locate the interested parties, their notification shall be deemed to have been made by publication.
  1. Within 60 days from the submission of the initiative with complete content, the Assembly shall decide on the ordering of local protection or its termination by decree, taking into account the opinion of the chief architect of the municipality in charge - or, if not applied, the mayor.
  2. Interested parties must be notified in writing within 8 days of the decision of the body of representatives to impose local protection or to terminate it.
  3. The establishment or termination of local protection must be registered in the property register. Registration in the Land Registry is initiated by the notary. Failure to do so shall not affect the protection.


  1. Protection shall cease if
    • the locally protected asset is given higher legal protection, or
    • the local protected asset is irretrievably destroyed, or
    • the body of representatives terminates local protection.
  2. If a local individual protection is granted to a monument, the local individual protection ceases at the same time as its publication. In this case, the notary shall initiate the cancellation of the local individual protection with the property authority.
  3. The demolition of a locally protected building, structure or statue may only be permitted after the protection has been removed.
  4. The felling of locally protected vegetation may only be permitted after the termination of protection or in the event of the extinction of the vegetation, or in order to eliminate an immediate danger to life or accident. The extinction of protected vegetation must be certified by a horticultural expert. Any replacement of protected vegetation shall be carried out as specified by the notary.

8. Register of the protected asset

  1. The notary keeps a register of local protection, which is public and open to public inspection.
  2. The register includes a list of local protected values and a map showing local protected values.
  3. The register includes the local protected value:
  • designation,
  • the protection registration number,
  • a professional, brief justification for the defence,
  • photo documentation,
  • category of protection (specific architectural, territorial, landscape),
  1. In the case of individual protection, it shall include, in addition to those listed in paragraph 2:
  • the exact location of the property (street, house number, parcel number),
  • the purpose of the protected asset and how it is used.

9. Indication of the protected asset


  1. A building, structure or sculpture that has been granted local individual protection can only be marked with a sign with a uniform appearance. The size of the plaque shall be 30X20cm, which shall contain the following text next to the object of protection. The plaque is made of stone, metal or wood. The placement of the plaque, and its replacement if necessary, is the responsibility of the mayor.
  2. Locally protected vegetation must be marked on a 30X20 cm sign in its immediate vicinity, on which the Hungarian and Latin names of the plant must be indicated.

The Mayor is responsible for the placement of the sign, and its replacement if necessary.

10. Definition of local specific protection


The list of buildings, structures and sculptures under local special protection is set out in Annex 2.

11. Ownership obligations relating to individual protection


  1. The proper use, good maintenance and preservation of local protected values are the responsibility of the owner. The costs of this are borne by the owner.
  2. The proper maintenance and conservation of protected values must be ensured, among other things, through appropriate use. The use must not endanger the locally protected asset.
  3. If the use other than the intended use would lead to the deterioration or destruction of the protected property, the mayor may oblige the owner to use the property as intended, and to renovate, transform or demolish the building or part of the building.

Chapter III


12. Identification of areas of special townscape interest

  1. The map delimitation of the areas of townscape importance for the inner area on the basis of the settlement structure, settlement character, landscape element and other local features is given in Annex 1.
  2. Areas of townscape importance
  • the Settlement Centre,
  • a nature conservation area of local importance and a protected natural value.
  • the area of the World Heritage site and its protection zone,
  • the area of the monument, the area of the historic environment,
  • the area of archaeological interest and the area of the archaeological site,
  • the area of local protected value,
  • NATURA 2000 sites, national park areas, nature reserves of national importance and specially protected areas, "ex lege" protected natural monument areas, core areas of the national ecological network and ecological corridor areas,
  • a landscape conservation area, an area of special landscape value.
  • The settlement area of the Settlement Centre, which is the dominant settlement area in terms of townscape, shall be identified as set out in Annex 1. Their territorial delimitation shall be laid down in the local building regulations and the associated regulation plan.
  • The identification of the areas listed in Article 14 (2) (b) to (h) as being of dominant importance for the townscape shall be made in the local building regulations and the associated regulatory plan. Their territorial delimitation shall be established on the basis of national legislation.
  1. Chapter


13. Whole administrative territory

the use of materials in buildings

general architectural requirements

  1. The roof structure of buildings and structures directly visible in the streetscape shall not be covered or renovated with corrugated sheeting, plastic corrugated sheeting and trapezoidal sheeting, and bituminous corrugated sheeting.
  2. No striking colours (instead earth colours) can be used for roofing materials.
  3. Glossy, reflective surfaces should not be used on facades or as roof cladding.
  4. No colours other than pastel earth tones may be used to colour the facades.
  5. When re-colouring buildings, façade colouring that is not in harmony with the colouring and use of materials of the building as a whole, or with neighbouring buildings and the street scene, is not allowed.
  6. The street façade can only be repainted over the entire façade surface.
  1. In the built-up area

on areas of special landscape interest

Territorial architectural requirements

  1. §
  1. The method of installation of the building shall be determined in accordance with the existing situation and the environmental conditions, within the framework of the local building regulations.
  2. The typical number of levels should be determined in accordance with the environmental conditions, within the framework of the local building regulations.
  3. Fence design requirements: if a street fence is to be built, it must be a perforated fence with a plinth no more than 60 cm high and a maximum height of 2.5 m.
  1. Undeveloped land and land within the landscape area

(livestock, factory, agricultural, special and farm) economic areas which are important from the point of view of the town's landscape

Territorial architectural requirements

  1. §

(1) Buildings and structures shall be free-standing and may be assembled only in a manner and case certified by technology.

  1. Fences can only be built without a concrete plinth.
  1. In the built-up area

on areas of special landscape interest

specific architectural requirements

  1. §

(1) The choice of width, longitudinal dimensions and proportions of the building shall be in keeping with the existing environment.

(2) The proposed construction activity on the site of the development shall be compatible with the surrounding area in order to ensure its integration into the landscape:

  1. b) to established sill heights,
  2. c) the nature and proportions of roof structures,
  3. d) for facade and mass ratios, roof pitch, use of materials.
  1. The way in which the individual facade is designed is determined by the way it fits in with its surroundings. Consequently:
  • the proportions of the openings in the façade, the proportion of the total façade area, the decorative elements and elements of the façade and the colouring should be taken into account in order to achieve a good fit,
  • the design of the roof structure, the pitch, the height of the roof ridge, the roof structure, the use of materials and its colouring should be adapted to the surrounding environment, including the use of stepped heights,
  • the building ornamentation (decorative elements), the use of materials, the façade finish should be proportionate to the building and in keeping with its surroundings.
  1. §
  1. The siting of structures should ensure the maximum possible contiguous green area:
  • by installing the building on a site not different from the established installation,
  • by planting native woody plants appropriate to the landscape and growing conditions.
  1. In the design of the green area
  • cannot be planted: acacia, pedunculate fir, green maple, grey poplar and Canadian poplar,
  • no woody vegetation may be planted along the boundary of the site in such a way as to restrict the use of the neighbouring site and cause unnecessary disturbance.
  • if a building is to be used for public purposes, the building may be installed with a deeper front garden, within the limits of the local building regulations, if the resulting increased front garden is designed as a public garden and opened for public use. Otherwise, the front garden shall not be deeper.
  1. Energy metering equipment shall not be installed in buildings, structures or front gardens without being covered.
  1. Newly installed parapet convectors or outdoor units of air conditioning systems visible from public areas may not be installed on buildings.
  2. No antenna or communication unit may be placed on buildings that would obstruct the view.
  3. The entrance front stair, accessibility structure (ramp and its elements), part of the building projecting into the public right-of-way, and street fence shall not be designed to interfere with the functional use of the adjacent public right-of-way or be inconsistent with its use.
  1. §

(1) Flat-panel solar panels, solar collectors that appear in the street view of a building with a high roof may not be installed at an angle of inclination other than the pitched roof pitch. Flat-panel solar panels, solar collectors that appear in the street view of a building with a flat roof may not be installed without a cover.

  1. The outdoor unit of the air-conditioning system shall be installed in an integrated manner on the building, concealed by architectural means or not visible from the public realm, on the underlying (not visible from the public realm) façade of the building.
  1. Undeveloped land and land within the landscape area

(livestock, factory, farm, restricted-use agricultural area, special and farmstead) economic areas of townscape importance

specific architectural requirements

  1. §
  1. Newly constructed production, storage and livestock buildings shall be of elongated mass with high roof design. Any deviation from this shall be made only in a technologically justified manner and case.
  2. For buildings with an industrial function, the use of simple industrial forms is the preferred option, including large span industrial halls, semi-sloped and flat-roofed custom structures.
  3. Social and office buildings can be built with modern architectural materials and massing. Excessively broken and mansard roofs are not possible.
  4. Intensive afforestation is required on the sites to provide wind protection and landscape screening.
  5. They are considered to be landscape intrusive, and therefore buildings that are strongly modern and technocratic in character in relation to the landscape should not be placed here.
  6. The facades of buildings can be light, pastel-coloured. Flashy colours are considered to be alien to the landscape.
  1. §

(2) The outdoor unit of air conditioning shall be installed in an integrated manner on the building, concealed by architectural means or not visible from the public realm, on the underlying (not visible from the public realm) façade of the building.

  1. The local protection beneficiary

for the elements

architectural requirements

  1. §
  1. The list of local protected sites is set out in Annex 2 to the Regulation.
  2. If a locally protected value is given national protection under a higher level of legislation, the value shall be removed from Annex 2 to the Regulation.
  3. In the case of renovation of a locally protected monument, the priority of traditional heritage techniques and building materials must be ensured, both for the renovation of the building and for the use of the exterior space (courtyard), in order to ensure the conservation of the monument in its townscape and landscape.
  1. The local special protection area

for values

specific architectural requirements

  1. §

(1) The renovation, alteration, extension or modernisation of a local individual protected building shall preserve the building:

  1. a) its mass shape, mass proportions,
  2. b) the shape of the roof, its roof structures,
  3. c) the facade members,
  4. d) the decorative elements of the façade,
  5. (e) the layout, layout and dimensions of the openings,
  6. f) the use of materials for the windows, wall surfaces, plinths and roofing.

(2) The original building elements (in particular: grilles, railings, lighting fixtures, railings, fences) may be replaced.

(3) The colouring of the facade of a locally protected building shall be primarily in keeping with its surroundings or, if available, the original colour. Garish colours and excessive contrasts should be avoided.

(4) The extension of a local individual protected building may be carried out in such a way that the extension must be in harmony with the formal appearance, structure and materials of the original protected building.

(5) The interior modernisation, interior alteration and roof extension of local individual protected buildings are allowed, subject to the rules for the preservation of protected values.

(6) No building services equipment, its accessories, advertising or publicity may be placed on the facade of a local individual protected building visible from the public area, except in connection with its intended use.

20.Placement of certain specific constructions and works of art

  1. §
  1. Annex 1 contains the delimitation of areas not suitable for the siting of specific structures.
  2. Communication towers may only be installed in the open air, with a minimum distance of 100 metres between the installed antenna support structure (tower) and the residential area.
  3. The entire administrative area of the municipality is suitable for the installation of track-side structures for surface energy supply.
  4. Where a cable network is permitted, a new line may be installed in underground cables or on an existing line of poles, and no new line of poles may be built.
  5. In an area of dominant importance for the townscape, utility installations (transformers, switchboards, distribution boxes, gas pressure regulators, etc.) must be placed in a concealed position, with a favourable appearance in the public space.
  1. §

In areas affected by nature conservation, monuments and their adjacent 1-1 plots

  1. a) where technically possible, the energy supply shall be provided by underground cable
  2. (b) no advertising support equipment may be placed.
  3. c) outdoor lighting may only be provided for safety reasons (in particular for the protection of life and property) by means of fully shielded, flat-backed lighting.
  1. Urban design requirements for advertising media

21/A. Rules on zoning concerning the publication of advertisements and the placement of advertising supports and advertising support installations

  1. §
  1. The specific zoning classifications existing in the municipality should be identified in the General Development Plan and the Regulatory Plan.
  2. Advertising in public places and on public property and the placing of advertising media and installations supporting advertising media
  • within the built-up area, only in mixed and residential areas, only for the use of street furniture,
  • is not allowed in areas not intended for built-up areas.
    1. Publication of advertisements in private premises and the installation of advertising media and equipment supporting advertising media
  • is not permitted within the built-up area, except on Municipal property.
  • is not allowed in areas not intended for built-up areas.

21/B. Areas of townscape importance and other classifications

  1. §
  1. Areas of townscape importance and other classifications shall be identified as set out in Annex 1. Areas of townscape importance are the following:
    • Town centre
    • Land not intended for development
  2. Signage, signage, address signs, sunscreens, business promotional signs, advertising flags and shop signs, individual information boards on the facades of buildings shall be designed to fit in with the existing or planned horizontal and vertical articulation of the facades, the orientation and rhythm of the windows, so that they are in harmony with the architectural detailing, colouring and architectural accents of the building. If this cannot be ensured for the retrofitting of signage, nameplates, address signs and individual information boards, retrofitting shall not be permitted.
  1. No sign, address, information or other equipment shall be placed on a surface area greater than 7% of a facade of a building visible from the public realm.
  2. Information or other equipment, if it includes advertising, may not be placed on private property.
  3. No advertising space may be placed on street lighting, other public utility equipment or communication poles.
  4. Municipal information signs and individual mobile information signs, signs with a column support structure (also known as "pedestal" signs), as well as individual information signs and banners may be placed in public areas in a way that does not interfere with traffic.
  1. §
  1. A maximum of two signs and one sign per business. In the case of a corner lot, a maximum of two signs and one sign per business may be placed facing two public areas.
  2. The maximum length of the sign is 3.0 m, the maximum height is 1.0 m and the maximum thickness is 15 cm.
  3. Totem pole only at fuel station and 300 m2-can be accommodated for industrial, commercial and service units larger than -. There is no limit on the placement of advertising pilasters.

21/C. Additional requirements for the settlement centre district

  1. §
  1. No signage may be placed on the roof surface.
  2. Signs and address plates, information or other devices on the facades of buildings may not conceal a decorative element.
  3. A maximum of two individual mobile information boards per business premises may be placed in the public space, with a maximum size of 75/150 cm, in a way that does not obstruct pedestrian traffic.

21/D. Rules for derogation from the requirements for advertising media

  1. §

(1) In order to provide information about an event of significance for the municipality, for a total of 12 calendar weeks per year, it is possible to use street furniture only on public property in residential and mixed areas, but not on public property in special and other areas.

(2) In areas not intended for development, public gardens and public parks and other areas with paved or wooded public spaces may be used with street furniture.

(3) Information on events supported by the municipality may be provided on a banner or on a poster.

(4) The installation of construction advertising nets shall be allowed only for the duration of the construction activity, provided that the Mayor has been requested to do so.

  1. Urban design requirements for other technical installations
  2. §
  1. Advertising, private and public area lighting must not cause light pollution, glare, dazzle or harmful light effects, and thus endanger traffic safety, human health or the safe use of property. On the façade surfaces and roofs of buildings, only openwork and linear illuminated signs may be installed.
  2. Outdoor lighting installations should be designed to emit light towards the ground. Other oblique lighting installations shall be designed only for reasons of safety of life and property.
  3. An in-ground photocell may be installed only if its light is fully absorbed by the illuminated structure.
  1. For a registered monument of historic interest

additional townscape requirements

  1. The design of any new building on a property of registered monumental value should be appropriate to its position in the original structure of the listed building or complex. Ensure that the appearance of the listed building is preserved. The proportions, massing and emphasis of the structural facade should not shift away from the listed building towards the new building.
  2. In the case of a registered monument, priority should be given to traditional technical solutions and building materials representing the architectural heritage in order to ensure the protected asset's dignified appearance in the townscape and landscape.
  1. Chapter


24. Regulation on information and information on the protection of the townscape

on professional consultation

  1. The chief architect - or the mayor, in the absence of his/her application - shall, upon request, provide professional consultation and, within this, professional information on the requirements of the urban landscape for the execution of planned construction works on the plot of land affected by the construction.
  2. The request for a technical consultation must be addressed to the Mayor. The application must include the name and address of the builder or applicant, his telephone contact details, the location of the proposed construction activity, the plot number of the plot concerned, a brief description of the construction activity, and, where appropriate depending on the nature of the construction work, the attachment of drawings.
  3. During the professional consultation, the chief architect - or the mayor, if he or she is not employed - proposes ways of enforcing the town planning requirements.
  4. A reminder of the technical consultation is prepared and must be followed during construction.
  1. Chapter


  1. Detailed rules for the notification procedure


The mayor shall carry out a town planning notification procedure - with the exception of activities concerning registered monuments or monuments subject to notification to the heritage protection authority or subject to a heritage protection permit - for the purpose of enhanced protection of the town planning in public areas and publicly owned properties within the administrative territory of the municipality, and on private property not classified as public areas, for the publication of advertisements, the installation of advertising media and equipment supporting advertising media in cases visible from public areas.


  1. The procedure for the notification of the settlement image is initiated upon the notification submitted by the client to the mayor, the notification application form is Annex 3 to the Regulation. The notification must be accompanied by a paper copy or a digital medium containing the documentation.

The architectural and technical documentation demonstrating the town planning requirements must include, depending on the subject of the notification:

  • take a photo of the existing condition,
  • technical specifications,
  • the form, quantity, size and technology of the intended condition,
  • the location of the technical equipment and how it is installed,
  • layout drawing,
  • as far as is reasonable, a colour plan, a visual plan integrated into the environment, depending on the location of the advertisement.
  1. The content of the documentation is checked by the mayor. If the documentation submitted does not comply with the content requirements set out in paragraph 1, the mayor shall prohibit the proposed activity.
  2. If the documentation submitted is complete, the mayor will accept the application with or without conditions, or refuse it if it does not meet the requirements or does not fit in with the town planning.
  3. The mayor shall take his decision by means of an official decision within 15 days of the submission of the application.
  4. The duration of the certificate is 3 years in the case of signs, advertising and publicity installations, and in other cases it is valid for an indefinite period. The activity must start within 1 year of the notification, otherwise it must be re-notified.
  5. If the activity subject to the procedure for the notification of the town-planning scheme is also subject to a public land use permit, the public land use permit may only be issued after the procedure for the notification of the town-planning scheme has been completed, after the permissive decision has been taken and after the conditions set out in the decision have been taken into account.


  1. The obligation to notify the municipality and the continuation of the notified activity is supervised by the mayor.
  2. If it finds a failure to notify or different implementation, it will follow the obligation procedure under Chapter VII.

Chapter VII


  1. The procedure for the imposition of a town planning obligation, the scope, amount, method of imposition and collection of a town planning fine


  1. In order to comply with the town planning requirements, the mayor, either ex officio or on request, conducts a town planning obligation procedure.
  2. Compliance with the information and professional consultation on the protection of the townscape is monitored by the mayor.
  3. If the Mayor becomes aware of any failure to comply with the requirements of the town planning, he will investigate the matter and act in accordance with Act CXL of 2004 on the General Rules of Administrative Procedure and Services.
  4. In the event of non-compliance with the town planning requirements, the mayor may impose a town planning fine on the builder, which may be imposed several times as long as the unlawful situation persists.
  5. The town-planning fine shall be imposed by decision and shall be served by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt on the person fined.
  6. The amount of the urban development fine
    • in the case of non-compliance with spatial and individual architectural requirements in areas with a dominant urban landscape character, if it affects an individual protected building HUF 100,000 - 200,000,
    • in the case of non-compliance with spatial and individual architectural requirements in areas with a dominant town planning character, if the individual protected building is not affected HUF 50,000 - 100,000,
    • 20.000 - 50.000 HUF in case of non-compliance with other town planning requirements and other technical equipment requirements,
    • in all other cases 10.000 - 20.000 forints
  1. In imposing the fine, the mayor shall take into account the following criteria
    • the extent to which the infringement infringes or hinders the preservation or development of the values defined in Article 11/A (1) of the Tktv,
    • the duration of the infringement,
    • the repetition of the infringement.
  2. How to pay the urban development fine:
    • by payment within the time limit and to the municipal bank account specified in the decision imposing the fine.
    • in the event of non-payment of the method of payment referred to in point (a), the unpaid fine shall be considered a public debt pursuant to Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances and shall be collected by way of taxes.

Chapter VIII


  1. Entry into force


(1)This Regulation shall enter into force at 12.9 a.m. on 31 January 2018.

(2)The Regulation shall apply to proceedings brought after its entry into force.

  1. Repealing provisions
  1. §

Self-regulatory Decree 10/2008 (VII.08.) on the local building regulations and the related regulatory plan of the municipality of Tiborszállás shall cease to be in force upon the entry into force of this Decree.

  • Chapter V, § 25 (2).

Tiborszállás, 31 January 2018.


Tulbura Gábor sk. Tóthné dr Nagy Anita sk.

mayor notary




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