2/2022 (I.27) On the performance of local public cultural tasks

Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzata Képviselő-körperületének

2/2022.(I. 27.) of the Municipal Council

On the performance of local public cultural tasks

The Representative Body of the Tiborszállás Village Municipality, acting on the basis of the authority granted in Article 83/A (1) paragraph (1) of Act CXL of 1997 on Museums, Public Libraries and Public Culture, and acting in accordance with the powers defined in point 7 of paragraph (1) paragraph (7) of Article 13 of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary, hereby decrees the following:

  1. §

The municipality considers it as a mandatory core service in its support of local public culture:

  1. a) to promote the creation of cultural communities, to support their operation and development, and to provide a venue for cultural activities and cultural communities,
  2. b) developing community and social participation,
  3. c) ensuring conditions for lifelong learning,
  4. d) ensuring the conditions for the transmission of traditional community cultural values,
  5. e) ensuring the conditions for amateur creative and performing arts.


In order to provide adequate information, the municipality shall ensure that:

  1. a) cultural programmes are published on the websites of the municipality and the institutions;
  2. b) the programmes organised by the municipality are communicated to the public through posters and leaflets.
  3. §

(1) The municipality shall maintain a community theatre in order to fulfil its basic public cultural tasks as defined in Article 1.

(2) The Community scene as defined in paragraph (1)

  1. a) name: Tiborszállás Community Theatre,
  2. b) address: 4353, Tiborszállás, Dózsa út 18.


In order to achieve the priority objectives and tasks defined in Article 1, the Local Government shall.

  1. a) sets a subsidy envelope in its annual budget,
  2. b) supports locally based foundations, public foundations, associations and local communities of historic churches, under the conditions laid down in a specific regulation,
  3. c) supports the organisation of community events.


  1. §

The body of representatives shall exercise the maintenance, supervisory and other powers related to the public cultural tasks defined by Act CXL of 1997 on Museums, Public Libraries and Public Culture and this Decree.

  1. §

(1) The body of representatives shall ensure the financial conditions necessary for the financing of public cultural activities from the state task financing, from the central interest enhancement subsidy, from its own revenues and from the sources won in tenders.

(2) The body of representatives shall determine the extent to which the tasks specified in § 1 and § 4 of this Decree shall be performed in the light of the current budgetary possibilities.

(3) Public cultural communities, associations, organisations and churches may use the community spaces on the basis of a prior application. The method, rate and fee for use shall be laid down in the rules and regulations of the community theatre.

(4) In addition to the provision of a public cultural venue and basic services, the method of financing is primarily task financing, which is carried out within the framework of tenders in accordance with the conditions set out in a separate municipal decree, and the partial or full support required for the performance of tasks may be obtained by means of tenders.

  1. §

(1) This Regulation shall enter into force on 27 January 2022.

(2) The Municipal Decree 10/2018 (XI.17) on the performance of local public cultural tasks shall cease to be in force.

Tiborszállás, 26 January 2022.



Gábor Tulbura Ildikó Sas

deputy mayor deputy notary

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