2/2021 (II.24.) On local regulation of child protection

Tiborszállás Község Önkormányzata Képviselőületének

acting under its powers


2/2021 (II.24)

municipal decree

Local rules on child protection

The Mayor!

The decision making is ensured by the Mayor of Tiborszállás Village acting under the authority of the Representative Body of the Municipality of Tiborszállás Village acting under the authority of the Act CXXVIII of 2011 on disaster management and the amendment of certain related acts, § 46.

1. §

Scope of the Regulation

(1) The scope of the Decree covers the administrative territory of the Municipality of Tiborszállás.

2. §.

Forms of supply

(1)The municipality shall ensure the protection of children by providing child welfare benefits in cash, in kind and personal care as follows:

a) provides settlement child-raising support in cash and in kind on the basis of § 11 of Decree No. 2/2015 (II.11) on settlement support and other social benefits.

b) child welfare benefits providing personal care, as listed in paragraph (1) of Article 3 of the Decree.

3. §.

Forms of personal care benefits and procedures for claiming them

(1)The municipality shall provide the following child welfare services providing personal care:

a) child welfare services

b) temporary care for children

c) day care for children in a crèche

d) day care for children in kindergartens

e) day care for children at school, in the context of day care

f) day care for children at school, in the form of a canteen

g) childcare during the school holidays.

(2) The application for benefits shall be submitted to the head of the institution providing the benefits, who shall decide on the claim.

(3) In the case of the forms of benefit specified in points (d) to (f) of paragraph (1), the claimant shall attach a declaration of personal data and income in accordance with Annex 2 to the Regulation.

(4) If the applicant disputes the decision of the head of the institution, the Council of Tiborszáláls Község Község Önkormányzatának shall decide on the disputed issue.

(5) The child welfare benefit provided for in points d) to f) shall be terminated if the person liable to pay the fee fails to comply with the obligation to pay the fee despite a request to do so and has been in arrears for at least three months, or if the child has not used the benefit continuously for at least one month without good reason.

4. §.

The provision of certain child welfare benefits

  1. Child welfare services are provided by the municipality through the Satu Mare Sub-regional Social Basic Service Centre on the basis of a partnership agreement.
  2. The temporary care of the children is provided by the municipality on the basis of a care contract with the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Municipality.
  3. The municipality provides day-care services through the Satu Mare Sub-regional Day-Care Centre on the basis of a partnership agreement.
  4. The municipality provides day care for children in kindergartens through the Tiborszáll Nyitni-Kék Adventist Kindergarten, day care for children in schools through the day care centre, day care for children in schools through the canteen through the Péchy László Adventist Primary School in Tiborszáll.
  5. At the request of the parent or legal representative, the municipality provides meals for children with a disadvantaged background, children with a cumulative disadvantaged background receiving regular child protection benefits and children receiving regular child protection benefits through its own kitchen, and the child, parent or legal representative may take the food home to eat.

5. §.

Reimbursement fees

(1) The following forms of personal care are free of charge:

a) child welfare services

b) temporary care for children

c) holiday childcare

(2) The following forms of personal care are subject to a fee:

a) day care for children in crèches

b) day care for children in kindergartens

c) day care for children at school, in the framework of a day care centre

d) day care for children at school, in the form of a canteen.

(3) Institutional, free and reduced-price institutional childcare shall be governed by the provisions of Act XXXI of 1997 on the Protection of Children and the Administration of Guardianship (hereinafter: Gyvt.).

(4) The fee shall be set in accordance with the Gyvt. (1) of Section 146(1) of the Health Care Act.

(5) The fees for fee-based services are set out in Annex 2 of the Decree, while the fees for day care services in day nurseries are set by the Representative Body of the Nagyecsed City Municipality in a decree.

6. §

(1)The Regulation shall enter into force on 24 February 2021.

(2) Repealed:

a) Municipal Decree No. 8/2012(V.30) on the local regulation of child protection,

b) Municipal Decree No. 13/2012 (XI.29) amending Municipal Decree No. 8/2012 (V.30) on the local regulation of child protection.

Tiborszállás, 23 February 2021.

Tulbura Gábor Mayor


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